It was a year that has shaken all up and sad news did not seem to find an ending. Was it a start filled with expectations towards a world after the pandemic, we should learn that there were things awaiting us we surely would not anyhow have considered ruling the world. 2022 demanded a lot. But it is just within all that, where hope is the major player in keeping to create and build towards a brighter future for all. And it is also within those times, we shall not forget about the good news. . . That sure existed!
Looking back to the year we somehow not rarely referred to as 2019 – cause who did not lose track of time since – one thing has to be mentioned first: The thankfulness towards our Tom Hemps family and customers. Because it is what makes us who we are. It is what keeps tirelessly devoting ourselves passionately to this one mission we have: CBD. So even though it might not be common sense when referring to a last year combining it with gratitude and excitement: We do. So let’s look back and start where it started.
We celebrated our 6th Birthday. Symbolically number 6 reflects completeness. Complete? It would need an unhealthy arrogance to state we are. But we grew. And with every new customer, with every new shop and franchise the aim of working towards a more tolerant acceptance of CBD within our today’s society gets sharpened more. Hands up to the fact that our industry keeps getting unfiltered attention! The number of countries having legalized cannabis for medical use has risen to over 30, including a new European member state, Luxembourg. So whilst we found ourselves processing a life returning to social and cultural life, we celebrated our 8th shop opening in the permanent capital of the community institutions. And now it is on you to come and visit us there – to shop our latest products… or for just a chat on whatever runs the universe of CBD. Not to mention, the same refers to our shops in our home country Germany, Spain and Italy.
Speaking of products: With cannabis being by now not secretly a wonder of ingredient within the beauty and wellness sector, we have extended our range of products and replaced our last year’s bestseller – The Lubricant – with The Deep Dream Cannabis Candle. Taking home spa seriously is leveling up by drenching everything in deep green and leaving you with the smell of strictly natural terpenes extracted from the chocolate cake cannabis strain, warm pine forest, fresh cream, black pepper, honey, eucalyptus and hints of chai.
But not only did we focus on the evolution of CBD within the beauty industry, because could we even call ourselves a CBD shop without grinders and papers? Well… Small Friends making big impacts do not just answer that question. Under the same named series, Tom Hemp`s has launched Small Friends Rolling Papers and Small Friends Bio Grinder. The cute little creatures joined the range, completing Small Friends CBD Flowers and there is nothing in the way to have them be your friends too.
Because we are fans of diverse things and know that one man`s taste`s is another man’s poison, we got you with our Our beloved Cities Grinder Series. With travel having made it to the recall, here is your perfect little present to bring from your city of choice. What we can also safely say of 2022: We have your back – or better bag: With the Tom Hemp’s CBD Pre-Roll made from 1 g of the very finest indoor CBD. Pure CBD-flowers, no trim, no leaves, no stems, just the cream of the crop tightly packed in a sustainable glass tube. Available in various CBD strains: focus and productivity or deep relaxation, flowery clouds or dank skunk, we leave it to be your choice of favorite.
Yeah. Okay, more than one but as we leave the World Championship in Qatar to others and skip talking of it, we left with the legalization process in Germany. With the ample coalition in place for more than one year it seems to be also a game of throwing the ball from one to the other. We just do not know yet who wins the trophy. By October 2022 the new corner data has been revealed on how the decriminalization of 20 – 30 g of cannabis is planned to be carried out. And somehow it seems that the final steps are taken before the passing of the legalization law as agreed on by the coalition of the three leading parties in Germany.
So what is left to say about the year that has left us speechless in so many ways, is that the CBD industry keeps exploding and Cannabidiol is worldwide used for promoting better general well-being. Besides numerous studies having been revealed on its positive impacts, just recently a team of scientists from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney have carried out a review of the current scientific literature to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CBD products. The main statement: CBD ‘appears exceptionally safe’. But more to this in another article.
Because this is dedicated to saying Goodbye. To 2022. . . And before the year now turns numbers again, there is just that one thing we like to mention: THANK YOU! To our customers, franchisees, partners, friends, employees… Growing is not possible without you and so is keeping CBD being our mission. We are looking forward to turning the pages together with you next year and wish you all the best for 2023.
See you on the other side. Your Tom Hemps Family