Jule Steinbrück
Co-founder and Project Manager of DJsCan’tCook
Jule developed a passion for world exploration before she was even able to read or write which has led to a diverse career path bridging the worlds of tourism, events production and culinary products. After finishing her degree in administration and management at the European Business School, she relocated to Vienna, Austria and kickstarted a career in travel and tourism services with Austrian Airlines followed by years in the luxury kitchen manufacturing markets of Australia and later transportation management simultaneously producing events in nightlife.
Being in the need of always organising something, it comes with just that she works now as a Business Manager whilst also sharing her love of words by copywriting and translating.
As Co-founder and Project Manager of DJsCan’tCook she is able to merge her passions and inspire innovation while meeting the team organized, booking talent, managing tours, events, collaborations and concept development.
Currently based in Barcelona.