
Lubrificante de CBD – o pequeno extra para a tua vida amorosa

Comprar um lubrificante com CBD? Por acaso essa opção fez-me rir no início. Nos últimos tempos experimentei alguns produtos com o ingrediente à base de plantas, mas não associei diretamente o caráter relaxante e equilibrante do canabidiol à minha vida amorosa. No entanto, fiel ao lema “Relax for better Sex”, provou-se que estava errado. Neste [...]
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CBD to increase productivity in Home Office?

Home office: How to use CBD Oil to increase concentration and productivity   Winter has hit Berlin in a way it hasn’t for years! We got almost 10 cm of snow, folks are ice skating on the Spree river, and parks have turned into sledge bliss. Everyone’s mood has been lifted, despite the announcement that [...]
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Can CBD Boost Your Immune System

Can CBD Boost Your Immune System These past months have been plagued by the novel COVID-19 virus, and has gotten many of us wary and alert about our health. Therefore, I was thinking that it would be useful to share and explain what benefits CBD can have for the immune system. CBD is still studied [...]
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