CBD Flowers Gang Kush
From €18,00
Three is a gang – and that’s why “Gang Kush” by Tom Hemp’s rocks up with a minimum of 3% CBD contents. Being part of the gang is this easy: just order our Aroma Flowers that are gained from Eu certified industrial hemp. #gangsign
CBD 3 – 6 %
THC < 0,2 %
Ingredients: European Industrial Hemp Flowers, dried
The product is designated exclusively for commercial, technical and scientific use. Store out of reach of children. Product may not be transported abroad. The ingestion and smoking of this product are strictly prohibited. These processed European industrial hemp flowers contain less than 0,2% THC. The product name bears no significance or context to other products and is solely used for marketing purposes.
The flowers may differ in color from the pictures shown, depending on the harvest.