CBD Paste 35%
From €12,00
Small but mighty. The humble and sobre name “Paste” has a reason: it lets the contents do the talking. CBD Paste by Tom Hemp’s is a full spectrum extract from organically cultivated hemp with a nonchalant CBD content of 35%. Sounds good? It is! The gentle C02 extraction method keeps all cannabinoids and terpenes intact. So you see – inner values count here!
CBD Content 35%
THC Content < 0,2%
Ingredients: hemp extract, cannabis sativa seed oil
The product is designated exclusively for commercial, technical and scientific use. Store out of reach of children. Product may not be transported abroad. The ingestion and smoking of this product are strictly prohibited. This processed hemp extract contains less than 0,2% THC. The product name bears no significance or context to other products and is solely used for marketing purposes.