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Even the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills want in on the action when it comes to High Society from Compound Genetics, a true treasure for phenotype hunters. Created by the phenomenal crossing of Biscotti and Jet Fuel Gelato, the characteristics vary depending on the phenotype, but there is one thing that High Society will not compromise on: To always and without exception be remarkable. The flavour profile of the cannabis seed is as diverse as its genetics. Some phenotypes show notes of bakery, nuts, French toast and cinnamon, while others are rather sweet and creamy. Always different, always the same, always high society.
Seed variant: Feminised
Parents: Biscotti x Jet Fuel Gelato
Genetics: Indica: 50% Sativa: 50%
THC: 11 -19 %
Flowering time in days: 63 – 70
Indoor / Outdoor Harvest: High
Flavour / Taste: Sweet, cinnamon, bakery, fuel, nuts
Effect: Positive feeling, relaxing, relaxing, cerebral
- Experience appropriate
- Recommended more for indoors than outdoors
- Needs attention and likes nutrients
- Bushy, compact and strong plants with a medium height